This office can supply you with an application for a State Sales Tax Number or you can contact the State of Tennessee's Chattanooga office. They will be able to assist you in completing the necessary application. You can obtain a Bradley County Business License at the courthouse.

If you are located within the City of Cleveland then you will need both a City of Cleveland and a Bradley County Business License. You can set up your inspection by calling (423) 559-3340. If you operate a business where the public will enter your establishment, you may be required to have a fire inspection. We are located within the City's Municipal Building. If you are located within the City of Cleveland and need a Beer Permit, please fill out this Beer Permit License Form (PDF) and return to City Clerk's office. Even though you may have registered with the State of Tennessee for business taxes, you will still need to submit the application and the fee to the City of Cleveland. You can pay by cash, check, or we can accept a credit card payment in our office. The zoning classification form (PDF) needs to be completed before a business license can be issued.

If you are located within the City of Cleveland then you will need to purchase a business license (PDF) from the City Clerk's office.